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July 2017


Sometimes the focus of these articles I write are inspirational. Sometimes they are promoting a sermon series or a chance to engage in ministry. Every now and then I am simply using this platform to share important information. That is where I am headed this time around.

The United Methodist Church is structured and operates according to the Book of Discipline. Anyone who has been around a Methodist Church for very long knows there are some key groups that guide the life of the church: a Finance Committee to deal with budget and money, a Board of Trustees to manage the property, a Staff Parish Committee to deal with staff and a Council on Ministries to set the vision and implement ministry opportunities.

The Book of Discipline allows for an alternate structure that is much leaner. In the July meeting of the Church Council I will be proposing that Cole implement this alternate structure. The basic concept is that all of the above boards and committees be rolled into one church council with a lay person as chair, a secretary and 9 representatives. The 9 representatives would be divided into three “classes” so there is always someone rotating on while others are rotating off. The 9 representatives would be divided into 3 groups, each with a focus on Staff, Trustees or Finance issues but it would be the whole council that would deal with any given issue or decision. This new council would be free to establish working groups for any reason but would have the final vote on issues relating to the church.

I am suggesting this change for a number of reasons. It can be a more efficient model. Even some larger churches are going to this structure. For Cole, being smaller now, it cuts down on some of the duplication. Many of our existing committees when they meet might only have 3 or 4 present. It is certainly not an effort to limit participation. Folks who want to serve can still serve and folks who need their voices heard can speak through a representative or show up at a meeting even if they do not have voting privileges.

This change will not be taken lightly. A more detailed proposal will be sent to the members of church council in early July. The proposal will be discussed and if needed modified at the Church Council meeting in July. If approved it will go to the District Superintendent for approval and then to the Charge Conference in the Fall to be voted on by the whole church. If approved there it will take effect January 2018.

Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. I believe this will help us as a church carry out our mission more effectively.

- Pastor Brian

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